Quentin Marsman The last few years people are increasingly hitting the gym to work on their physique, most importantly to lose fat. Most men start lifting to increase their muscle mass and acquire the beloved six-pack, whereas most women jump on the treadmill to burn calories and ultimately lose fat and weight. The new Dutch guideline for sports and exercise from 2017 advises people to do muscle and bone strengthening exercises next to cardiovascular exercises, like playing football or running … [Lees meer...]
Archief voor 2019
Pink elephants
Maaike Plug When reading the title, you will possibly think of the Belgian beer ‘Delirium Tremens’, which has a pink elephant as a logo. This beer is very popular among many students on the Friday afternoon drink at the Aesculaaf. But it is also the name of a type of delirium caused by withdrawal from alcohol. According to DSM-5, the criteria for delirium tremens are a reduction in heavy use of alcohol, two or more of the eight symptoms after reducing alcohol consumption, a decreased … [Lees meer...]
A good old nap
Naaz Shareef It is already May, the last month of spring. It is the month where spring flowers bloom massively. However, May is also known as the ‘’Better Sleep Month’’, according to the Better Sleep Council. The purpose of the Better Sleep Month is to raise awareness about sleeping better and the benefits of sleep. Students are familiar with sleep deprivation, for example when they are pulling an all-nighter or cramming for an exam. The first thing students do to catch up on sleep, is … [Lees meer...]
The Placebo Effect: Just a Trick?
Joyce Krekels Some time ago, I went to the RAMS symposium ‘Placebo effect: The Mind as Medicine’, where professor Andrea Evers and PhD student Judith Tekampe from Leiden University spoke about positive (placebo) and negative (nocebo) treatment effects that occur as a result of a patient’s expectations and beliefs about the effect of a certain treatment or its side effects (1). This urged me to dig a little bit deeper into the placebo effect and how it can be applied in the clinic. Remarkably, … [Lees meer...]
Twelfth edition of RAMS is now available!
The eleventh edition is now available! From now on you can read this edition online. Download the PDF or get it in real life at the medical faculty building (in the bookshelf near the stairs at the entrance or at the study square). In this edition, we introduce our newest rubric: time for innovation! Besides the newest rubric, you can read articles about, for example, whether light products can lead to losing weight or not. Moreover, the spreading of resistant bacteria is also argued in this … [Lees meer...]