The fifteenth edition is now available! From now on you can read this edition online. In this edition you can read about Post-orgasmic illness syndrome in men, Malaria and Parkinson’s disease. Curious what else you can find in our fifteenth edition? Unfortunately due to the covid-19 epidemic this edition is only available online, so download the PDF via the link below.
Online version
Fifteenth edition – April 2020
Post-orgasmic illness syndrome in men: A short insight
Quentin Marsman
Is skipping breakfast good for you?
Femke Janssen
Insights gained form nature editor Pep Pàmies
Jelmer Raijmakers
Caught a flu in the tropics? It might be malaria
Jelmer Raijmakers
Parkinson’s disease: A clearer road to a reliable diagnostic test?
Femke Janssen