The final day of the Summer School has arrived. On friday the students have taken on the role of teaching and presented their final results of the group assignments. There were five groups that have each taken the spotlights and explained the topic. Each presentation ended with a 5 minute pitch about the innovations in that perticular field of Cardiology that are being researched. Some of them even let their imagination on the loose and invented innovations yet to come! After the pitches of … [Lees meer...]
Day 4 – RAMS International Summer School “Innovation in Cardiology”
Over half of the program but we definitely still had some very interesting things to do and see! The main focus of today was on causes of heart diseases, namely congenital heart diseases. Professor dr. Oostra from the University of Amsterdam department of Embryology and Anatomy gave an illustrative lecture on Cardiac Embryology and the segmental sequential analysis. This is a step-by-step method of describing and diagnosing congenital heart diseases. Afterwards, we headed to the Anatomy Lab to … [Lees meer...]
Day 3 – RAMS International Summer School “Innovation in Cardiology”
Halfway there! What’s a Summer School on cardiology without at least a day of interventional cardiology? That’s why this whole day was about the TAVI procedure. We started with an interesting lecture by MD Gehlman and MD van der Wulp on one of the Radboud specialties: The TAVI procedure. Especially the (theoretical) advantages of using the subclavian artery compared to traditional femoral arteries were completely new to the students. This lecture was followed by a video of a TAVI-procedure to … [Lees meer...]
Day 2 – RAMS International Summer School “Innovation in Cardiology”
Today’s goal was to find out who’s at risk and how can we diagnose heart disease? The day started with a lecture about cardiovascular risk factors and prevention from the perspective of general practitioner Drs. ter Berg, and also Dr. Smeijers from Amgen indicating PCSK-9 inhibitor drugs (evolocumab) could prevent heart attacks and stroke by dramatically lowering LDL cholesterol levels. We also followed interesting lectures from Dr. Nijveldt on Cardiac MR imaging and Dr. van Dijk … [Lees meer...]
Day 1 – RAMS International Summer School “Innovation in Cardiology”
The kick off! Yesterday evening students arrived in the beautiful Nijmegen and after we got together we went for a small tour of the campus. We ended the evening at the Waalkade, where we went for a beer on the Kaaij during sunset. We started early today with an introduction by Prof. van Royen and the chair of RAMS! After that, some of our sponsors got the chance to speak: Amgen, Sanofi Genzyme and Bayer. This was followed by an interesting lecture on anatomy and physiology by Dr. van Dijk, … [Lees meer...]