On Friday the 14th of July 2017, the annual Pubquiz of the Radboud Annals of Medical Students (RAMS) will take place! This evening teams consisting of a mix of (international) students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers will compete against each other.
As Board of RAMS we would greatly like to invite you to join us at our Pubquiz! Challenge yourself and test your knowledge on a broad range of scientific subjects. The pubquiz will be in full English.
You can sign up for the Pubquiz individually or as a duo. All candidates will then be mixed, resulting in multiple dream teams of (bio)medical students, non-medical students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. During the evening, every candidate will receive two consumptions for drinks and refreshments will be provided.
Location: Café Piecken (Professor Bromstraat 54)
Date: Friday, 14th of July, 2017
Time: Pubquiz will start from 19:00h onwards (entry 18:30h)
Quizmaster: Ir. P.B. Monté
Contact: vice-voorzitter.rams@ru.nl
We look forward to seeing you on the 14th of July!