Efi Tsouri, BSc Molecular Life Sciences In October of 2020, the first Dutch patient was infected with the West Nile virus (WNV) in Utrecht [1]. Subsequently, five additional cases of WNV infection were reported in the Netherlands [1]. What did these patients have in common? They were all previously stung by WNV-carrying tropical mosquitoes. Such mosquitoes are not commonly found in the Netherlands, raising concerns about the spread of tropical diseases in Europe. WNV belongs to … [Lees meer...]
Archief voor maart 2021
“The cat is out of the bag: unravelling Impostor Syndrome”
Harshitha Ramu, BSc Biotechnology Have you ever felt like the perfect score you got on your recent test was because you had sheer good luck? Or that sometimes you find yourself wallowing in misery because your experiments did not work, and you feel like you are not meant to be a scientist? Although you may seldomly feel fully confident and feel like you truly belong in your professional landscape, psychologists have described what you feel as a common experience amongst many people … [Lees meer...]