Researchers of the Northeastern University in Boston found that breathing supplemental oxygen might help the treatment of cancer. They discovered that mice with lung cancer had a better rate of survival when breathing air with 60% of oxygen instead of the regular 21% of oxygen. Besides, the research showed that the 60%-O2 mice developed fewer metastases than the 21%-O2 mice. The researchers found that regulatory antitumor T-cells in an hypoxic environment were inactive. When … [Lees meer...]
Vacature Radboud Annals of Medical Students (RAMS)
RAMS, het nieuwe medisch-wetenschappelijke tijdschrift voor en door studenten van onze faculteit, zoekt nieuwe mensen voor het bestuur en redactie. Wil jij je steentje bijdragen aan dit initiatief? Dit is je kans! Voor volgend collegejaar (augustus 2015 t/m juli 2016) zoeken we studenten voor de volgende functies: Bestuurslid Public Relations Taakomschrijving: - Verantwoordelijk voor de promotie van RAMS - Bijhouden van social media - Updaten van de … [Lees meer...]
Are expensive medicines better than cheap ones?
Last week a research group from the university of Cincinnati published an article that suggests a better effectiveness of more expensive drugs than cheaper ones. At least, that was the perception of the participants of this Parkinson's disease study. In fact, a group of 12 patients used two formulations of the same placebo drug. They were told that one of the drugs was 100 dollar per dose and that the other drug was 1500 dollar per dose. Next to this, the participants were told that … [Lees meer...]
Sitting in a chair – living on the edge?
Door Bas Vreugdenhil Having a dinner? Watching TV? Getting a break after exercise? These activities all have in common that we are used to do these things sitting in a chair or on a couch. A recent study published in Annals of Internal Medicine showed that prolonged sedentary time is associated with harmful health outcomes regardless of physical activity. This implicates that even if you are in a good shape and have high levels of physical activity, sitting is deleterious. However, persons … [Lees meer...]
First edition – January 2015
It's finally here: our first edition! Read it online or download the PDF version. Online version: PDF version: RAMS' first edition 2015 Traumatic Brain Injury Impact of Prolonged Exercise on Right Ventricular Function in Older Individuals … [Lees meer...]
Launch First Edition
Today we presented during the Science Day the first copy of RAMS' first edition to the dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Radboud University: Prof. Dr. Smits. … [Lees meer...]
RAMS’ first edition: don’t miss it!
Our first edition will be published on the 9th of January! Are you too excited and is friday too far ahead? Then visit our stand at the science day tomorrow! Or come to our launch party at cafe Piecken, 21.00 the 8th of January! … [Lees meer...]