By Fleur Strobbe The past few weeks I’ve had the privilege to experience life in one of Scandinavia’s beautiful countries, Finland. Being here on exchange has introduced me to some of the country's local customs and the lifestyle of the Finnish medical students. Sometimes I was in awe when I spoke to the residents. The Netherlands could learn a thing or two from Finland in my opinion. A couple examples: their health care system is very well organized, their paid paternity leave is eight weeks … [Lees meer...]
Archief voor augustus 2017
VACANCY: RAMS is looking for motivated students!
RAMS is looking for talented, enthusiastic and motivated students to organise its core activities in the academic year 2017-2018! Are you the one to contribute to the RAMS-editions, the Summer School or Symposia? We are looking for students to fill in the following functions: RAMS-editions (2-10 hours a month*): Editorial editors; Reviewers. RAMS core activities (up to 2 hours a week*): Summer School committee; Symposium committee. * = on average as each function and … [Lees meer...]
Publish in RAMS!
Still considering publishing your researchpaper while engulfing in the holiday vibe? Submit it to RAMS! Apart from the fact that publishing a paper or article is fun and a great learning experience, RAMS also helps in the process of publishing. We do so by reviewing the paper and if necessary provide tips and tricks on how to improve it. In addition, publishing in RAMS looks great on your resume and the best article wins €100. Take a look at our page for authors for more … [Lees meer...]
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most muscular of them all?
By Yalda Alam Summertime is finally here! After months of wearing oversized sweaters, knee high boots and the thickest winter coat, the temperatures are finally rising. While most students are finished with their last study activities and are worrying about which sunglasses suit their faces best, summer is not all sunshine for everyone. With modern day beauty standards and advertisements promoting all kinds of ‘skinnytea’ and easy weight-loss supplements, both women and men are facing … [Lees meer...]